
Sinulog Festival Queen


More often than not, the artistic directors of the various Sinulog contingents choose their Lead Dancers based on two attributes: Physical Beauty and Dancing Skills.

Festival Queen 2010 is not a beauty pageant. It is simply a search for the Lead Dancer who possesses the most exceptional qualities, both in physical beauty and dancing skills, among her peers. That makes her then the first among equals.

Hence, Festival Queen 2010 will not have the usual elements of a beauty pageant. There will be no swimsuit and evening gown competitions. There will be no interview or pre-recorded profiles of each participating lead dancer.

What the search will highlight will be the Lead Dancer’s performance skills and her ability to interpret the Sinulog dance with rhythm and grace and all other accompanying artistic considerations.


To qualify in the search for Festival Queen 2010 the candidate must:

  • Be the Lead Dancer for her contingent during the Grand Parade.
  • Be Single
  • Be between 16-24 years old
  • Be of good moral character (as certified by her Delegation Head)


  • Beauty of Face / Body Proportions -35%
  • Grace and Rhythm -35%
  • Focus and Projection -20%
  • Costume -10%


  • Each Lead dancers of all contingents are automatically considered as entries in the contest. Each shall wear the very same festival (Sinulog) costume that she will be wearing during the Grand Parade.
  • Only ten (10) Finalists will be chosen from the total number of participating candidates.
  • Each candidate will have to prepare her own dance two-minute interpretation based on the canned music provided by the Committee.
  • Each candidate must prepare a 30-seconder self-introduction spiel for the opening number. Her spiels must talk about the barangay / municipality / school / group / province / city she represents.
  • Festival Queen 2010 will be at the Cebu City Sports Center on January 15, 2010 at 7:30 P.M.

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